History Lessons!

225 Runs
12/4/2024, 7:56:59 PM

57 min. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Baby kitty
Player error: internal Message: An unknown error occurred. Please try again later undefined undefined Run ID: m6clfvnkcg6j7h5dw9melser Glif ID: clysjesk80000p89tfkd6n9pq
58 min. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How they were built
Pixar animation
The great Player error: internal Message: An unknown error occurred. Please try again later undefined undefined Run ID: m6clfvnkcg6j7h5dw9melser Glif ID: clysjesk80000p89tfkd6n9pq of Egypt
6 hr. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How Darwin disproved it
Simple stickman drawing on paper
6 hr. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Hayes' Unusual Victory
Simple stickman drawing on paper
the 1876 US presidential election
6 hr. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Why the Democrats Split into Two
Simple stickman drawing on paper
the 1860 US presidential election
6 hr. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How Truman shockingly defeated Dewey
Simple stickman drawing on paper
The 1948 US presidential election
6 hr. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How he helped dismantle apartheid
Simple stickman drawing on paper
F. W. de Klerk
6 hr. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
The Meltdown
Simple stickman drawing on paper
6 hr. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How we met
Simple stickman drawing on paper
Your mother and I
6 hr. ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How it was averted when the Emperor simply told Horus to knock it off
Simple stickman drawing on paper
The Horus Heresy
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How created and synchronized all the clocks in the world
Pixar style
story about watches
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Java created and synchronized all the clocks in the world
story about watches
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Um grande touro passeava pela margem de um riacho. A rã ficou com muita inveja de seu tamanho e de sua força. Então, começou a inchar, fazendo enorme esforço, para tentar ficar tão grande quanto o touro. Perguntou às companheiras do riacho se estava do tamanho do touro. Elas responderam que não. A rã tornou a inchar e inchar, mas, ainda assim, não alcançou o tamanho do touro. Pela terceira vez, a rã tentou inchar. Mas fez isso com tanta força que acabou explodindo, por culpa de tanta inveja.
A rã e o touro
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How it takes shape
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How it finished
Pixel art
iran - iraq war
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How it finished
Pixel art
the ww2
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How it started
Pixel art
the ww2
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How they were start
Pixar animation
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How they were built
Pixar animation
الحرب العالمية الثانية
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How they were built
Pixar animation
الحرب العالمية الثانية
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How they were built
Pixar animation
The great pyramids of Egypt
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How he ruled over Brazil
Simple stickman drawings on paper
Getúlio Vargas
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How it was lost
Paper cut-outs
The colony of Roanoke
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How it unraveled
Cutesy minimalist
The Watergate scandal
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Pixar animation
witchcraft in Africa
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
courtroom-style ultra-realism sketch
Italy's climate switched to 100% tropics (Mostly Rainforests (Af) and Severe Monsoon (Am))
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
real event
courtroom-style ultra-realism sketch
Singapore's climate transformation to '100% Temperate oceanic (Cfb)'
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
real event
courtroom-style ultra-realism sketch
Cuba's climate transformation to Semi-arid (BSh) and Mediterranean (Csa)
2 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How they were built
Pixar animation
The great pyramids of Egypt
2 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
The rise and fall
Classic book story
Majapahit kingdom
2 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
real events
Toledo Rubber Plantation Festival (Fiesta del Caucho de Toledo) - Spain's climate transformed to '100% tropics (mostly Savanna (dry)-Monsoon, several Rainforest)'
2 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Taipei Campaign
2045 Chinese Invansion of Taiwan
2 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How advertising works
Black and white simple illustration
Print to digital advertising
3 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
put it on your head
black and white simple illustrations
how to put a hat
3 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
como han evolucionado
lagarto gigante argentino
3 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
como han evolucionado
Pixar animation
lagarto gigante argentino
3 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
How they were built
Pixar animation
The great pyramids of Egypt
3 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Ultimate changes
Borneo's climate transformation into mixed between Humid subtropical (Cfa), Warm-summer humid continental (Dfb) and Subpolar oceanic (Cfc)
3 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Ultimate changes
Java Island's climate transformation into mixed between Mediterranean, warm desert and temperate oceanic climate
3 days ago
Output for the Glif "History Lessons!"
Ultimate changes
Sumatra's climate transformation into 'mostly humid subtropical, temperate oceanic and monsoon-influenced humid subtropical climate'